We call these contraptions beer koozies and they're ubiquitous on California beaches or at Texas BBQs. Although I am partial to a bottle of Mendoza Malbec or a Burgundy or Oregon Pinot Noir, I don't travel without my koozies (at least not well). Useful for keeping the brew tip top under hot weather, koozies double as my camera case while on the road. Seen above pattering about beaches in Taiwan, this beauty is coming with me on my Argie walkabout.
I have like 10 of those...
It's a tough life you seem to lead... :-)
vanilla - it's a tough one but somebody has to take up the responsibility :)
megan - you've me beat there. I've only 3 but don't leave home without it. A little more difficult to find koozies in the East.
They have those in Oz for bottles (stubbies) and cans. Doubt you need em much right now!
Did you know that they were invented in Australia - called Stubby Holders - it's hot and we like our beer COLD. Not just cool but ICY so the cans get slippery with condensation and also the beer gets warm held in the hand. Although because we drink so much of the stuff, we carry them in an ice filled esky! Another incredible invention. (Noice boik!)
Oz 1 - California 0
Stop that. Drinking out of a can w/o a koozie/stubby holder is a sin.
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