However, I prefer the small pleasures. Although it is far from being a neighborhood park, the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden has been one of my favorites in DC. The grounds are populated by art that doesn't take itself too seriously and the summery water fountain transforms itself into an ice-skating rink during the colder months. No matter the weather, one can often find families enjoying the garden's offerings. I snapped this photo a few years ago while tripping over myself.
I've begun the process of packing up my apartment. Among years of possessions, I most prize my books and photos. Although it'll be sad to part with much of my library collection, I am slowly turning my pre-digital camera photos to electronic files. This was a picture I took at Hong Kong's Mid-Levels.
How about that for fine dining!
I got lucky when I moved - my parents had an empty closet and were willing to store most of the books for me.
Thanks for the link to the gardens!
Ah I remember Clare posting photos from Washington, she was only there for two days but there were shots of the sculpture gardens and some precocious quote from "Team America". Don't envy you packing up! Putting old photos onto digital is a good idea although I don't want to be reminded of how young I looked before the digirevolution!
megan - I wish I still have many of my books. But travel necessitates many purges in the past. Oh well. One of the pleasures of working on Capitol Hill was access to the Library of Congress. All the books of the world delivered right to my office!
baino - Not sure about "Team America." Perhaps a bit out of my age group? Luckily not much to pack up. Already did one purging after I sold my condo. Now it's just measuring the essentials and what will fit in a 70 liter pack and a day pack. It'll have to see me through for the next year.
The ice rink at the sculpture garden--- a standby date place for me. Nicely done, Ted!
The Aardvark surfaces!
See you next weekend to abuse free Kiwi piss at the NZ Embassy.
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